Monday, August 21, 2006

It's a Boy . . . Congrats to Joelle & Scott!!!


My dearest friend, Joelle and her sweet hubby, Scott just had their first child, Landon Edward born at 2:59 pm, weighing 7 pounds 11 ounces. Joelle and I have been friends since the 10th grade--that's 20 years! She is Noah's godmother and "Aunt Joelle" to all of my children. Does that tell you how I feel about this girl? I am sooooooo happy for her that I am beaming. I sure hope she doesn't mind my posting a pic of her beautiful,pregnant body on the internet. She looked too damn good not to--and besides she just gave birth--I don't think she is up to a fight! Anyway, BIG woohoo! to Joelle and Scott. Love ya and can't wait to meet baby Landon. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

amy, amy, amy! so glad you've joined the world of blogging! :o)

just went through some emails i neglected last week to find a link!

i'm tight on time getting little people to bed & all, but i'll be back to read through it all. :o)